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Mastermind Program

Let’s All Make Life & Business Work

Ready to change your life?

This is a dynamic and engaging group coaching program based on actions, habits, and mindsets used every single day to help YOU craft your life and live on a higher level. You will learn principles that will help you clarify, organize, and take action so you can be more productive and effective in your personal and professional endeavors.

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Want a free taste of the program?


Free Planning Video

Click the button below to sign up to the freebie hub for a behind the scenes experience of what you can expect from inside the Mastermind.


YOU can transform your life and live the life you desire.


Hi, I’m Leone. I have transformed my life and helped moms around the world to do the same.  In this mastermind program, we will work on YOUR life, YOUR business, and YOUR legacy.  The Let’s All Make Life & Business Work Mastermind program helps you to get down to the business of living a masterful life designed by Y-O-U!  Unapologetically YOU! 

You will have access to the tools, the information, and the community you desire to make life and business work.


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Let’s get busy living!

The mastermind program offers you eduction, inspiration, transformation, and rejuvenation through group coaching sessions.


Watch a Mastermind Transformation Story:

We guide you through a framework:

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Train It

Live CEO Mindset Coaching Sessions with Leone & Nicole

Craft It

Level up habits and skills you learned

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Work It

Apply what you’ve learned

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Imprint It

Jump in the hub and watch the replays


Be It

Implement into life and business

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 Join the program and you will access all these benefits:

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The Mastermind CEO mindset live coaching calls run for 90 minutes with Leone & Nicole, all are focused on your life planning and goal achievement.  



Access to my latest printable pages for life planning, tracking, and organizing.



An insiders peek at how I do life and business and the benefit of being around like-minded people.



Leadership development book selections from my top reading pick to get you focused and develop you as a person who takes charge of designing your beautiful, amazing life.



Access to the exclusive mastermind hub for all your program resources and on-demand replays. Life planning content-focused teaching on the 4 Life Areas: Self | Family/Home | Career/Business | Finances.

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Early bird access to all new Crafting My Powerful Life courses and programs.

Additional bonuses for your journey:

  • The Life Planning Workbook and Course ($97 value)

  • Your Year In Review Workbook and Course ($47 value)

  • Discounts on new courses

  • Discounts on UPCOMING Crafting My Powerful Life Journal System

  • Discounts on UPCOMING Crafting My Powerful Life Calendar System

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The problem is not lack of information, it’s the lack of DOING.

This Mastermind Program will focus on the DOING! We will DO PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT and we will DO GOAL ACHIEVEMENT. You will reap the rewards in your personal, family, business, and financial life by putting what you learn into ACTION.




Ready to Join Us?

I am on a mission to Reach, Teach, Inspire, and Empower moms around the world to live life on a higher level. 

I would love you to be one of the moms in this transformative Program.  Join me in The Let’s All Make Life & Business Work!  Mastermind Program.  You are so worth it!

Click the button below to buy now.

  • The NEW 4-week Program: Join the exclusive club for higher-level thinking, accountability, and an abundance mindset!

  • You will have lifetime access to the Mastermind Hub Content for the lifetime of the course for the payment of $275.

  • Limit ten (12) persons per session: join the program NOW!



No more hesitation.

No more excuses.

Once you’ve paid in full, you will gain LIFETIME ACCESS to the hub for the duration of this Mastermind Program.


Watch a Mastermind Testimonial Chat

“It doesn’t matter what comes at you during the year when we have each other’s backs, we can tackle anything and do it well.”


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