Let's All Make Life & Business Work Mastermind Program: Join today!


Hello Ladies,

Today, I was thinking about the Crafting My Powerful Life mastermind programs I have run over the past seven years and the questions I get asked about why people should join these programs.  I think my answers are always simple and straight-forward about the benefits I have enjoyed like:

  1. The ability to clearly define my dreams and desires for my personal and professional life

  2. Thriving in a community that supports my efforts

  3. Staying UNSTUCK because my community continues to push me forward in love

The mastermind process requires you to be vulnerable with YOU.  It takes a willingness to look at who you really are and decide whether you, a beautiful and wonderful soul, is living YOUR absolute, authentic life you’ve always dreamed of.  

So ask yourself:

  • Are you ready for direction, accountability, and coaching in your life?

  • Do you want to increase your daily productivity and effectiveness?

  • Are you ready to turn your passion and talents into extra income?

  • Do you need systems and tools to get organized and maximize your life?

  • Are you just sick and tired of NOT living your dreams?

If you work best and flourish in a group or team setting the “Let’s All Make Life & Business Work Mastermind program is a must for your success.  Let’s get down to the business of crafting your powerful life!  

This program offers you education, inspiration, transformation, and rejuvenation through group coaching sessions. 

What we offer :

  • Train It! ~ Monthly live CEO Mindset Coaching Sessions with Leone

  • Craft It! ~ Level up habits and skills you learned

  • Work It! ~ Monthly group co-working sessions

  • Imprint It! ~ Life Crafter affirmation training sessions

  • Be It! ~ Implement into life and business

  • An invitation to the private Mastermind Facebook group

  • Exclusive access to the program hub (rules apply)

  • Customized Life Crafter workbooks 

Here’s a sneak peek into the program: A message from one of our Mastermind Program guest speakers. Check out the link below for the video.


I believe this program will help you achieve all of your goals and it would be my privilege to guide you through your journey.

Get the details on the "Let's All Make Life & Business Work" mastermind program here: JOIN NOW!

Leone Williams